Frequently Asked Questions about Bear Lake

Whether in Utah or Idaho Bear Lake is full of adventure, beautiful scenery, and even a little mystery. Even though Bear Lake is one of the most visited destinations in the area, many people have questions about Bear Lake. Below you'll find answers to some of the most asked questions to help ensure that your visit is the best possible.

Q. Are Dogs Allowed at Bear Lake?
A. Yes, dogs are allowed at Bear Lake. But there are restrictions at certain beaches and certain areas.
Dogs are not allowed at North Beach.
Dogs are allowed at Rendezvous Beach
Q. Are there bears Bear Lake?
A. Yes, there can be bears at Bear Lake.
It is extremely rare to see them near the lake, they tend to stick to the higher elevations in the forested areas.
Only black bears can be found in the Bear Lake area.
Q. What is the water temperature at Bear Lake?
A. At the peak in Summer Bear Lake is at 70 degrees. In the winter at it's coldest it will usually get down to 35 degrees .
It is extremely rare to see them near the lake, they tend to stick to the higher elevations in the forested areas.
Only black bears can be found in the Bear Lake area.
Q. What county is bear lake in?
A. Bear Lake is in Rich County Utah and Bear and Bear Lake County Idaho.
Bear Lake is located on the border of Northern Utah and Southern Idaho. The Northern half of Bear Lake is in Idaho and the Southern half is on the Utah side.
Q. How deep is Bear Lake?
A. Bear Lake is 207 feet deep.
The deepest portion of Bear Lake is located on the Eastern side of the lake on the Utah side near Cisco Beach.
Q. What fish are in Bear Lake?
A. Bonneville Cisco, Bonneville Whitefish, Bear Lake Whitefish, Bear Lake Sculpin, Bonneville Cutthroat Trout, Lake Trout, Utah Sucker, and Utah Chub.
The largest Bear Lake cutthroat trout ever caught was 31 inches long.
Bonneville Cisco are the most densely populated species of fish in Bear Lake.
There are an estimated 3 to 9 million Bear Lake Sculpin in Bear Lake.
Q. Can you fish at Bear Lake?
A. Yes you can fish at Bear Lake.
Winter and late fall are often the best times to fish at Bear Lake.
Q. Can you jet ski at Bear Lake?
A. Yes jet ski's and wave runner's are allowed in Bear Lake.
There are several places to rent jet ski's and wave runners around the lake.
Q. Can you pick raspberries at Bear Lake?
A. It is possible to pick them, but you need to find a farm or company that allows people to pick your own produce. In the past there have been a couple around Bear Lake that catered to this.
Don't expect to pull off the road and pick wild raspberries. ​